Blue Ferret Content Consulting

Professional Experience

After the dot-com crash of the 2000s, I transitioned from IT administration to technical writing. Then I added copywriting to the skill set, while working with a Silicon Valley consultancy and freelance clients.

Hundreds of clients & thousands of webpages later, I’ve ironed out how to deliver serious content value in almost any business environment.

Three things my clients always get:

A. Clear, punctual writing. No fluff or nonsense.

B. Deliverables on time. When I agree to a deadline, it’s set in (digital) stone.

C. A customer advocate who keeps all content (and all discussions) targeted on engagement.



Content Strategy [Preliminary]

Stage 1: Awareness

Stage 2: Interest

Stage 3: Consideration

Stage 4: Decision

Retention/Ongoing Relationship



What’s it like working with a freelance content manager/writer?

  1. Examine. Your current material, goals, audience. Client’s point of contact designated here.
  2. Proposal. Strategize on the content’s approach, its calls to action, and its next steps.
  3. Knowledge-Gathering. Collect information from subject matter experts. Done remotely, at minimal time use for the SMEs.
  4. Outline. First deliverable is an outline of the proposed content. Approval requested from my point of contact.
  5. Generate. Create the initial draft using outline & SME input.
  6. Revise. Submit initial draft to point of contact and SMEs. Collect feedback. Revise content to meet these goals.
  7. Populate. Following approval, publish/schedule on your CMS/ESP/marketing platform.
  8. Iterate. Schedule content updates in future intervals.
  9. BONUS: Promote. Create social media & promotional copy to help your team promote the new content.



I bill by the project. Please contact me to receive a rate estimate (no spam, honest).

Payment accepted via PayPal or invoicing. I also accept crypto if you’re forward-thinking! (Crypto options include Ethereum, Stellar Lumens, Cardano, Algorand, Litecoin, and Bitcoin.)



I enjoy working in the fields of energy production/storage, biotech, crypto/DeFi, and material handling. I already have experience writing for technology, industrial equipment, and healthcare. Not as much with energy production/storage or crypto…at least not yet. If that’s your field, please, get in touch!

Contact Me!