Blue Ferret Content Consulting

How to Respond to the "We Want You Back in the Office" Demand

Now that COVID-19 has demonstrated many offices are unnecessary, we must keep our eyes out. Another issue surfaces on the horizon, like a sleeping tiger just beginning to rouse.

It's the blaring horn of the office. The company-wide email saying, "All employees will return to the office on X Date."

Let me take a guess as to how this email will go. It will include phrases like, 'how companies should run,' and/or 'where employees need to be.'

Beware! These are signs of managers trying to return to old thinking.


Prairie Dog Yelling Not actually a boss yelling for you to get back to the office. I just thought a prairie dog yelling was hilarious.
Photo by Arnaud STECKLE on Unsplash.


It seems like not a week goes by without another company announce the dreaded, productivity-killing RTO. The managers and VPs now want to force employees who've dealt with a severely stressful situation during COVID - and KEPT WORKING - back into their cubicles.

Why would they do this? The entire world has now seen through the lie of, "You have to be in the office to work!"

Nope, we sure don't. And everyone knows it now.

The managers who demand employees come back are essentially saying two things:

  1. "I won't change my thinking for anything."
  2. "I don't trust you."
This is quite sad. It reflects badly on managers in general (and we've all known good ones). We're three years out of a global Black Swan event, and they want to pretend it's the 1990s again?


What Managers Need to Know About Demanding Employees Return to the Office (and What Employees Should Do In Response)

Whatever the motivations, we still have to deal with the demand. Both as individual employees and as companies. Let me help you do so.

I've put together a detailed response to this old thinking below. It's divided into two parts. One for managers who want to force employees back into the office. One for employees facing a manager who wants them back in the office.

First up, managers. Time for some hard truths, folks.


Hard Truths For Managers:


Frustrated at Office "I didn't have to deal with this at home."
Photo by Sebastian Herrmann on Unsplash.


I mean no malice in saying all this. Directing people and processes is not an easy task under any circumstances. It's simply necessary to understand these points. This change was coming either way...COVID just shoved it forward.

Next up, employees! You may wonder how to respond to a "Heading Back to the Office" email. Options do exist, though you should exercise caution in using them.


How Employees Should Respond:


Remote Work is the Future, Whether Management Likes It or Not

I did expect managers to push for a post-lockdown return to the office. You did too, right?

For some, it has nothing to do with productivity, and everything to do with their own control. That's an emotional reason, not a rational one. As we've all seen lately, it's nigh-impossible to reason with emotional people!

That said, the Remote Work genie is unquestionably out of the bottle. No amount of pushing & demand-issuing will put it back. Even the most die-hard anti-telecommuter has seen it.

The next 10 years will see dramatic shifts in what constitutes an 'office' and a 'company.' I trust that the COVID pandemic will pass, but the truths it's shown the world about remote work will linger. As they should! They demonstrate that we can all do great work from any location.

What's your situation with the office? Please share in the comments.

(Originally published July 14, 2020, on RemoteWork.Works.)

#RTO #communication #modern work #productivity #remote work